All Possible Chords and Guitar Fingerings

(Assuming 12 equally tempered notes with octave equivalency)

Unabridged Chord and Scale Glossary

A lot of sites say they have a list of all chords, but none comes close to this. An interactive database of over 350,000 chord and scale name variations for the 2049 possible note combinations, most of which noone will ever use, but also the important ones. If you find omissions, please let me know and I will add them.

The lists below have links to the guitar fingerings for the scales and arpeggios.

Triads (3-note chords) 4-note chords (including sevenths) 5-note chords (including ninths) 6-note chords (including elevenths)
7-note chords (including thirteenths) 8-note chords 9-note chords 10-note chords
11-note chords 12-note chord Unison (1-note) Intervals (2-note)

Different Sortings of All Possible Chords

Warning: Large files

By number of Notes (as above in one chart)

By Similarity


Important Chords

The most important chords Mostly native to patterns from the major scale (the Church modes)

Additional important Jazz chords Mostly additional chords native to patterns from the harmonic minor or melodic minor scales, but not in the church modes.

Subsets of Chords

From the church modes

From harmonic minor

From harmonic minor but not church modes

From harmonic minor but not church modes or melodic minor

From melodic minor

From melodic minor but not church modes

From melodic minor but not church modes or harmonic minor

From whole-tone patterns

From octatonic patterns


Possible embellishments for the most common chords:

Major Minor Augmented Diminished
7 m7 7#5 m7b5
Maj7 mMaj7 Maj7#5 dim7

No root substitutions all chords

No root substitutions common chords

Players often leave out the notes of a chord to simplify complex chord forms and to avoid interfering with the bass player.

No Root/No Fifth Substitutions All Chords

No Root/No Fifth Substitutions Common Chords


Chord Pedigree

My old Learning chords section

List of all possible chords out of context (for search engines mostly)

All the Scales